Sunday 27 January 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. This is the first post obviously. From time to time, I will be telling you what I saw and where, either at Paxton Pits Nature Reserve, my garden, or other places I visit.

Today, I submitted the results of my garden bird watch to the RSPB. I am eager to see the results of all the data they compile. With the weather being as cold as it has been, and Snow covered land and frozen lakes, I think it has probably helped to drive the birds to local gardens in search of much needed food and water.

Firstly, my garden, is very small with just one tree and bricks and mortar all around me. In the tree, I have several feeders which have, Nyger seed, Suet Balls, Sunflower hearts, seed mix and of course peanuts. Also I place chunks of fresh Apple and Sultanas together with mixed seed at ground level. I do this simply because, not all birds like to sit perched on feeders and prefer the ground to do their feeding.

I really love the Goldfinch. When you look at most of the resdidental birds we have in this area, they are kind of drab in colour, compared to these little beauties. To me it is almost an exotic bird, and one that I am so happy to see visit my garden. I have had over 20 at one time and the noise and sights are incredible. I get lost watching them ;)

For a week now, I have had the pleasure of watching this awesome Fieldfare. He really loves Apple. Hard to believe, but he sits in the tree patiently until I put out the Apple and within minutes, he is down from the tree and getting tucked in. What a glorious bird he is. Slightly smaller than a Mistle thrush but very distinctive markings in plumage.

Now here is a New visitor to my Garden. One I never thought I would see here, it is of course a Reed Bunting. They do visit gardens in winter, but myself, I have never seen one in my own garden, so again, I was over the moon to see not just one, but three of them. Sadly, they were not around when I did the garden watch.

Now here is a little beauty, this is the first time I have ever managed to get a picture of one, and what place to get it ? my garden of course. He was here for around 15 minutes during my garden watch. The small eligent little Goldcrest. Awesome bird he is too.

The usual garden birds turned up, Blackbirds, Starlings, House Sparrows, Chaffinch , Long tailed tit, Blue Tits, Great tits, Dunnock, Robins and even a single Greenfinch. So as I end this first post, I just have to wait until the RSPB publish the results from the Garden Watch survey. What species will have disappeared ?

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